83% of Hajj Fatalities This Year Were Unauthorized Pilgrims

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Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior has confirmed that 1,301 people died during this year's Hajj, with a staggering 83 percent of the fatalities involving pilgrims without proper Hajj permits. Colonel Talal bin Abdul Mohsen bin Shalhoub, the Ministry's spokesperson, revealed that out of the total deaths, approximately 1,079 were unauthorized pilgrims.

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The tragedy has shed light on the rampant issue of fraudulent tourism companies deceiving visitors into securing non-Hajj visas, encouraging them to stay in Makkah months before the pilgrimage. This practice has severely compromised the safety and well-being of the pilgrims, particularly under the harsh summer heat.

Colonel Shalhoub underscored the critical role of Hajj permits, which are essential for tracking and providing adequate care to pilgrims. He highlighted that without these permits, delivering essential services and healthcare becomes increasingly difficult. Additionally, he reiterated the government's extensive media campaigns warning against participating in Hajj without proper documentation and the severe penalties for those caught violating these regulations.

Authorities are also cracking down on the misuse of visit visas and other non-Hajj visas, which have been exploited by unscrupulous individuals. The Ministry's focus remains on ensuring that all pilgrims have the proper documentation, which is crucial for their safety and for the smooth execution of the pilgrimage rites.

This year’s incident underscores the importance of adherence to legal requirements for Hajj, aiming to prevent future tragedies and uphold the sanctity and safety of the pilgrimage.