
Look: Ancient and Rare Inscription Discovered in Tabuk!

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Look: Ancient and Rare Inscription Discovered in Tabuk!

Archaeologists have uncovered a remarkable bilingual inscription in the village of Alqan, located in Saudi Arabia’s Tabuk province. The Saudi Press Agency announced the discovery on Wednesday, highlighting its historical significance.

Thamudic and Early Arabic Scripts

During the recent excavation, researchers discovered an artifact featuring two lines of Thamudic script alongside one line in early Arabic. The style of the characters suggests that the inscription dates back to the 5th century, providing valuable insight into the linguistic history of the region.

Look: Ancient and Rare Inscription Discovered in Tabuk!

Significance of the Discovery

The Saudi Heritage Commission emphasized that this find illustrates the historical coexistence of Thamudic and early Arabic scripts in the Arabian Peninsula. This bilingual inscription sheds light on the evolution of ancient writing systems in the area, offering a fascinating glimpse into the past.

Look: Ancient and Rare Inscription Discovered in Tabuk!

Enhancing the Commission's Collection

This significant find adds to the Saudi Heritage Commission’s growing collection of ancient inscriptions and writings. The commission is actively engaged in studying, documenting, and preserving Saudi Arabia’s archaeological treasures, contributing to a deeper understanding of the Kingdom’s rich cultural heritage.

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