
Vendor Who Threw Oranges at Gaza Aid Truck Goes to Hajj

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 18 June 2024
Vendor Who Threw Oranges at Gaza Aid Truck Goes to Hajj

Al-Fakhani Rabie Hussein, a 53-year-old Egyptian fruit vendor who gained widespread recognition for his act of kindness, has embarked on a pilgrimage to Hajj.

Hussein, who went viral earlier this year for throwing oranges into a moving humanitarian aid truck bound for the Gaza Strip, is now fulfilling his dream of visiting the holy sites in Saudi Arabia.

The heartwarming story caught the attention of an Egyptian businessman who generously sponsored Hussein’s trip to Hajj.

Photos of Hussein, shared widely on social media, show his excitement and gratitude as he prepares for this significant spiritual journey.

In February, Hussein was seen running alongside a convoy of aid trucks heading to the Rafah border, passionately tossing oranges from his stand to support those in need. His selfless act resonated with many, leading to his fully-funded pilgrimage.

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